There are many different types of people who gamble online. Some do it to make money, some do it for fun, and others use gambling to escape their everyday lives.
Whatever your reason is for betting online, there are a few things that you should keep in mind to be the best player possible.
Let’s have a look:
* Avoid betting in your league. This is a rookie mistake that many people make, but it’s not wise to bet against the team you’re rooting for.
According to ESPN rankings, if you have an emotional attachment to one of the teams, then go ahead and place money on them–but only if they are at least 20% more likely than their opponent.
Otherwise, find another game or do something else with your time instead of watching two terrible games simultaneously!
* Use available information before placing bets. For example, sites like FiveThirtyEight offer predictions for sporting events and other types of contests: political elections, Oscars winners, etcetera.
These sites will provide objective data about each event and help narrow down what would be best to bet on.
* Put money where your mouth is! If you’re going to place a bet, then put up some of your cash so that the stakes are higher for you and if it’s a game or contest with no direct financial reward (like predicting Oscar winners), then be sure to make bets about topics in which you know/experience.
* Use humor when betting online. It can be hard not to take gambling too seriously because we often think of it as a form of work and therefore something serious, but remember, this is supposed to be fun, so use any methods at your disposal–humor included–to keep things lighthearted if necessary.
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